Music Pro Mix network is a platform for Artists, Producers, Filmmakers, Musicians, online Mixing and Mastering Engineers

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Music Pro Mix Engineers

Music Pro Mix Engineers are mixing & mastering pros with Mixing and Mastering Studios


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By Music Pro Mix Engineers 3883 days ago

Prod Id# 98271
Mixing your Song

| ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` |
| PRODS TICKER ````````````````` | PAYPAL Amnt2Pay ``````````````` | Simple-Ad-Spots ```````````` |
| Latest Prods Sold, etc         | . Other Customer-related        |                              |
| .............................. |   Data from User Profile        |                              |
| .............................. | > Send to PayPal                |                              |
| .............................. | > PayPal sends back IPN         |                              |
| `````````````````````````````` | > Process IPN data returned     |                              |
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| Prod1 Title2 Cost1 Qty1  Ext1  | . Prepp`ed @Shipping Items      |                              |
| Prod2 Title2 Cost2 Qty2  Ext2  |                                 |                              |
| . . .                          |                                 |                              |
| ProdN TitleN CostN QtyN  ExtN  |                                 |                              |
| TOTALS                   Ext   |                                 |                              |
